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Branched Chain Alpha-Keto Organic Acids

OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions, Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory

Optimal range:   2.2 - 91.9 nmol/mg Creatinine

- Each of the BCAAs is catabolized by a dehydrogenase enzyme forming branched-chain keto acids (BDKA), or 2-oxo acids. The dehydrogenase enzyme is heavily dependent on B-complex vitamins, the lack of which may decrease pathway function, possibly leading to an elevation of the BCKA.

- Early research found a vitamin B1 (thiamin)-responsive form of maple syrup urine disease (MSUD).

- Higher urinary BCKA was found to decrease with B-complex vitamins supplementation.

- Evaluate intake of B-complex, primarily thiamin (B1).

- Evaluate dietary intake or supplementation with branched-chain amino acids.


Brazil Nut (F18) IgE

Tree Nut Allergen Panel, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0 - 0.1 kU/L


Brazil Nut, raw + roasted

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 1.8 ELISA Index



Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 1.5 ELISA Index


Broccoli / Brussel Sprouts, IgG

240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek), US BioTek

Reference range:   Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High


Broccoli, cooked

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 2 ELISA Index




Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements, ZRT Laboratory

Optimal range:   0 - 0 ug/g Cr


Brucella spp by Agglutination

Infectious Disease Profile

Reference range:   Non-reactive <= 1:20, Reactive




StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile

Optimal range:   0 - 3 Ratio


Brussels Sprouts, cooked

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 3 ELISA Index



Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0 - 0.8 ELISA Index

The presence of antibodies to Buckwheat is an indication of food immune reactivity. The offending food and its known cross-reactive foods should be eliminated from the diet. Although a gluten-free grain, Buckwheat has been shown to be antigenic in celiac and non-celiac gluten-sensitive patients.

Inhalation of Buckwheat flour has also been reported to trigger occupational asthma and childhood nocturnal asthma.

Special consideration should be made for patients who work in the baking industry. Due to cross-reactions, patients with elevated antibodies against Buckwheat should not have contact with latex products.


BUN/Creatinine Ratio

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

Optimal range:   10 - 24 :1 ratio

What is the BUN/Creatinine Ratio?

The Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): Creatinine Ratio [BUN/Creatinine Ratio] is a renal (related to kidneys) function indicator, commonly used to diagnose acute or chronic renal (kidney) disease or damage.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine are both waste products of normal metabolism in the human body. 

BUN represents the amount of nitrogen produced from the metabolism of proteins. 

Creatinine is a normal waste product of muscle. 

Once a person performs both a BUN and Creatinine test, doctors can use the combined results to find the BUN-to-creatinine ratio. The BUN and creatinine tests alone are excellent methods of testing liver and kidney health, but together, doctors get a much better understanding of your kidney health and can provide a more accurate diagnosis to kidney-related issues.

Most clinicians agree that creatinine is a more specific indicator of glomerular function than BUN. However, the BUN to creatinine ratio may be used as an indirect estimate of renal function. 

Note: If results for BUN and Creatinine are both within the normal reference range, the BUN/Creatinine ratio will not be reported (not applicable).


Burdock Root, IgG

240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek), US BioTek

Reference range:   Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High


Buttermilk, IgG

240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek), US BioTek

Reference range:   Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High


Button Mushroom, IgG

240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek), US BioTek

Reference range:   Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High



Total Tox-Burden, Vibrant Wellness

Optimal range:   0 - 0.25 ug/g

Butylparaben belongs to the paraben family and is one of the most common antimicrobial preservatives in cosmetics such as such as makeup, moisturizers, hair-care products, and shaving creams. It is also used in medication suspensions, and as a avoring additive in food. When exposed to high levels of butylparaben via inhalation, irritation to the respiratory tract results; symptoms include coughing and shortness of breath. Ingestion of large doses of butylparaben may cause irritation to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Butylparaben is an endocrine disruptor.



Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH), NutriPATH

Optimal range:   10.8 - 33.5 %

Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) produced in the colon by the bacterial fermentation of undigested carbohydrates, primarily dietary fiber. It serves as a primary energy source for colonocytes (cells of the colon) and has several important roles in maintaining gut health and overall well-being. 



Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology, Mosaic Diagnostics

Optimal range:   11 - 32 %

N-Butyrate is one of the short-chain fatty acids produced by Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria in the colon. It becomes a food supply capable of providing up to 30% of the energy needed by colon cells. N-butyrate improves colon health.



Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness, Vibrant Wellness

Optimal range:   5.1 - 12.4 %

N-Butyrate is one of the short-chain fatty acids produced by Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria in the colon. It becomes a food supply capable of providing up to 30% of the energy needed by colon cells. N-butyrate improves colon health.




Adult Gut Health Test, Tiny Health

Optimal range:   0 - 800 rpkm

Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) that plays a critical role in maintaining gut health, and its measurement can be an important marker on adult gut health tests. Produced by the fermentation of dietary fibers by beneficial gut bacteria, butyrate is primarily generated in the colon and acts as a key energy source for colonocytes, the cells lining the colon. By providing fuel for these cells, butyrate helps maintain the integrity of the gut barrier, preventing harmful substances from passing into the bloodstream and triggering inflammation. Low levels of butyrate on a gut health test could suggest a disruption in the balance of gut bacteria, often referred to as dysbiosis, which can contribute to various gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Slightly elevated levels of butyrate in a gut health test may indicate an overabundance of butyrate-producing bacteria or an imbalance in the gut microbiota, potentially linked to certain dietary or health factors. While butyrate is generally considered beneficial for gut health due to its anti-inflammatory and colon-protective properties, excessively high levels could suggest that the fermentation of dietary fibers is occurring too rapidly or that there is an excessive intake of fermentable fibers. This can lead to issues like bloating, gas, or other gastrointestinal discomforts.

Additionally, elevated butyrate levels might reflect a temporary increase in fiber consumption, such as after introducing a fiber-rich diet, which can cause a surge in short-chain fatty acid production as the gut bacteria adjust. However, persistently high levels might point to underlying conditions such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or imbalances in the gut ecosystem that could lead to digestive issues over time.

Though slightly elevated levels are not usually cause for immediate concern, they may indicate the need for a closer look at dietary patterns or gut health, especially if accompanied by symptoms like bloating, discomfort, or irregular bowel movements. Adjusting fiber intake or investigating other markers of gut health may help normalize butyrate levels and ensure a healthy balance in the gut microbiome.

Showing results 1741 - 1760 of 6516