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Basophils (Absolute)

White Blood Cell Differential Test

Optimal range:   0 - 0.2 x10E3/uL , 0.00 - 200.00 cells/uL

What are Basophils?

Basophils are a type of white blood cell. Basophils work closely with your immune system to defend your body from allergens, pathogens and parasites

Basophils have a short life span, usually only one or two days.

Basophils are mononuclear cells, so they have one round nucleus. Basophils are also granulocytes, or white blood cells that have granules, or small particles, attached to them. These small particles are filled with enzymes, like histamine, that are released during allergic reactions. Basophils are the only white blood cells circulating around your body that contain histamine. During an allergic reaction, histamine is responsible for many of the typical symptoms of allergies, like a runny nose or sneezing.

Histamine is a vasodilator. This means it widens the blood vessels near an infection to open and allow more blood flow to the site of the infection. Heparin is a naturally occurring blood thinning substance which prevents clotting.

Basophils are responsible for the body’s immune response during allergic reactions. When the body is exposed to an allergen, basophils release histamine which triggers the physical symptoms of an allergic reaction. This causes the typical allergic reaction of running nose, watering eyes etc.

They also help to produce a crucial antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). Immunoglobulin attaches to basophils and a similar type of cell called mast cells. The cells then work together to release histamine and serotonin, which affects the inflammatory response to the allergen.


Basophils (Percent)

White Blood Cell Differential Test

Optimal range:   0 - 1 %

What are Basophils?

Basophils are a type of white blood cell. Basophils work closely with your immune system to defend your body from allergens, pathogens and parasites

Basophils have a short life span, usually only one or two days.

Basophils are mononuclear cells, so they have one round nucleus. Basophils are also granulocytes, or white blood cells that have granules, or small particles, attached to them. These small particles are filled with enzymes, like histamine, that are released during allergic reactions. Basophils are the only white blood cells circulating around your body that contain histamine. During an allergic reaction, histamine is responsible for many of the typical symptoms of allergies, like a runny nose or sneezing.

Histamine is a vasodilator. This means it widens the blood vessels near an infection to open and allow more blood flow to the site of the infection. Heparin is a naturally occurring blood thinning substance which prevents clotting.

Basophils are responsible for the body’s immune response during allergic reactions. When the body is exposed to an allergen, basophils release histamine which triggers the physical symptoms of an allergic reaction. This causes the typical allergic reaction of running nose, watering eyes etc.

They also help to produce a crucial antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). Immunoglobulin attaches to basophils and a similar type of cell called mast cells. The cells then work together to release histamine and serotonin, which affects the inflammatory response to the allergen.


Basophils, %

Synovial fluid

Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0 - 0.001 %

Basophils are not a primary focus in synovial fluid analysis, and their presence in synovial fluid is typically not a key diagnostic marker for joint-related conditions. Instead, the analysis primarily concentrates on more common white blood cell types to assess joint health and inflammation.


Bean Agglutinins

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.3 - 1.9 ELISA Index


Bedtime Glucose

Lifestyle Dashboard

Optimal range:   80 - 120 mg/dL


Beef, cooked medium

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.3 - 1.9 ELISA Index


Beef, IgG

240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek), US BioTek

Reference range:   Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High


Beet, cooked

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 1.5 ELISA Index



Genova Diagnostics (various), Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0.6 - 2.9 µmol/L

Behenic acid is a saturated fatty acids, in particular it is part of the group of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs).



Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs)

Optimal range:   0.92 - 1.68 wt %

Behenic acid is a saturated fatty acids, in particular it is part of the group of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs).


Behenic Acid


NutriStat Basic Profile, US BioTek

Optimal range:   0.2 - 1.59 %

Behenic acid is a saturated fatty acids, in particular it is part of the group of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs).


Behenic C22:0

Metabolimix+, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0.88 - 1.61 wt %

Behenic acid is a VLSFA which contains 22 carbons (22:0). Its name is derived from Ben oil (behen oil) from the Moringa oleifera tree. Commercially, products containing Moringa oil have high amounts of behenic acid in them such as hair conditioners, topical moisturizers, and other cosmetic oils. It can also be obtained through the diet in canola (rapeseed) oil and peanut oil. Using the elongase enzyme, it can be synthesized from arachidic acid.


Bell Pepper

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 1.8 ELISA Index


Beneficial SCFAs


Optimal range:   13.6 - 150 micromol/g

Short chain fatty acids are saturated fatty acids consisting of no more than 6 carbons. The most common forms—acetate, propionate, and butyrate—are also helpful for colon and overall health. Thus, they are called beneficial SCFAs.


Benzene Ring Compounds IgG+IgA

Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.4 - 1.6 ELISA Index

Classified as a hydrocarbon, Benzene [C6H6] is an organic chemical compound composed of 6 carbon atoms forming a hexagonal ring arrangement. Benzene is a solvent found in crude oil; because it has a high octane number, it is utilized in gasoline. Benzene is also used as a precursor to heavy chemicals (i.e. ethylbenzene, cumene from which acetone and phenols are derived). Most solvents are neurotoxic and many are carcinogenic.

Acute inhalation exposure to high concentrations of benzene can cause drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, vertigo, narcosis, and other symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) depression; however, the most damaging health effects associated with benzene exposure are chronic effects due to repeated exposure to low concentrations over many years.


Benzene Ring Compounds IgM

Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.3 - 2.1 ELISA Index

Benzene Ring Compounds: Benzene, Pheno, Toluene, Xylene

Classified as a hydrocarbon, Benzene [C6H6] is an organic chemical compound composed of 6 carbon atoms forming a hexagonal ring arrangement. Benzene is a solvent found in crude oil. Because it has a high octane number, it is utilized in gasoline. Benzene is also used as a precursor to heavy chemicals (i.e. ethylbenzene, cumene from which acetone and phenols are derived).

Most solvents are neurotoxic and many are carcinogenic.



Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0 - 9.3 mcg/mg creatinine

Benzoate, was one of the compounds first found to be elevated in urine from patients with intestinal bacterial overgrowth of various origins.



3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine), Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0 - 0.05 mmol/mol creatinine

Benzoate, was one of the compounds first found to be elevated in urine from patients with intestinal bacterial overgrowth of various origins.




Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek), US BioTek

Optimal range:   0 - 6.87 ug/mg creatinine

Benzoate, was one of the compounds first found to be elevated in urine from patients with intestinal bacterial overgrowth of various origins.


Benzoate (OA)


NutriStat Basic Profile, US BioTek

Optimal range:   0 - 7 ug/mgCR

Showing results 1541 - 1560 of 6516