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C6 Qual Result

Lyme Testing

Optimal range:   0 - 0.001 Units


CA 125

Tumor / Cancer screening tests

Optimal range:   0 - 45.9 U/mL

A CA 125 test may be used to monitor certain cancers during and after treatment. In some cases, a CA 125 test may be used to look for early signs of ovarian cancer in people with a very high risk of the disease.


CA 15-3

Tumor / Cancer screening tests

Optimal range:   0 - 31 U/mL

Cancer antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) is used to monitor response to breast cancer treatment and disease recurrence.

The reference range of serum CA 15-3 is less than 30 U/mL. The upper limit of the range varies depending on the laboratory and kit used for the test. Values obtained with different assay kits, methods, or laboratories cannot be used interchangeably.

CA 15-3 levels are most commonly used to monitor metastatic breast cancer during active therapy. Tumor marker levels must be used in conjunction with the history, physical examination, and diagnostic imaging. A decrease in marker levels during treatment can indicate tumor response, whereas stable or increasing levels despite adequate treatment can indicate that the tumor is not responding to treatment or that the tumor is recurring.

CA 15-3 measurement can also be used to survey disease recurrence after treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In the absence of measurable disease, an increase in CA 15-3 levels could indicate treatment failure. However, CA 15-3 levels can rise during the initial 4-6 weeks of starting therapy. This transient rise does not usually correlate with disease progression.


CA 19-9

Tumor / Cancer screening tests

Optimal range:   0 - 35 U/mL

A CA 19-9 test measures the amount of a protein called CA 19-9 (cancer antigen 19-9) in a sample of your blood. CA 19-9 is a type of tumor marker. Tumor markers are substances made by cancer cells or by normal cells in response to cancer in your body.

Healthy people can have small amounts of CA 19-9 in their blood.


CA 27.29


Tumor / Cancer screening tests

Optimal range:   0 - 38 U/mL

The cancer antigen 27.29 test (CA 27.29) is a blood test that measures the levels of glycoprotein produced by the mucin-1 (MUC1) gene.

The level of CA 27.29, also known as 27.29, is used as a tumor marker to measure the activity of the disease in patients with breast cancer. It’s one of several types of tumor markers used for breast cancer and is most commonly used in advanced breast cancer, as opposed to early-stage breast cancer.


CA 72-4


Tumor / Cancer screening tests

Optimal range:   0 - 6.9 U/mL

Elevated CA72-4 levels in serum and plasma are seen in the pancreas, gallbladder, colon, cervix, and endometrium carcinomas.

CA 72-4, also known as cancer antigen 72-4, is a protein that is commonly found in high levels in the blood of individuals with certain types of cancer, most notably gastrointestinal and ovarian cancers. This marker is used primarily in the medical field as a tumor marker, which means it helps doctors monitor the presence and progression of cancer in the body. The CA 72-4 marker can be measured through a blood test, and elevated levels might indicate the presence of cancer or that cancer treatment is not fully effective. However, it is important to note that elevated CA 72-4 levels are not exclusive to cancer and can sometimes be seen in benign conditions. Therefore, while CA 72-4 is a useful tool for monitoring cancer, it is usually used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests and markers to provide a more accurate picture of a patient's health status. This marker can help in early detection, monitoring treatment response, and detecting potential recurrence of cancer, making it a valuable component in oncology.



Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair), Trace Elements

Optimal range:   2.2 - 6.2 Ratio

Ideal ratio of 4.2:1 with an acceptable ideal range of 2.2 to 6.2.

Calcium is affected by several hormones and is considered to be under parasympathetic control. Therefore, the hormone cascade that affects the retention of calcium also affects thyroid expression.

Elevation of the Ca/K ratio can be indicative of reduced thyroid expression. The opposite, a low Ca/K ratio would indicate an elevation of thyroid expression. This ratio would also be associated with adrenal activity.

The Ca/K ratio can also be affected by iron, zinc, copper, selenium, lithium, cobalt, molybdenum and others.



Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair), Trace Elements

Optimal range:   3 - 11 Ratio

Ideal ratio of 7:1 with an acceptable range from 3 to 11. Calcium and magnesium are regulated by the parathyroid, thyroid and estrogen, as well as through renal function. A markedly elevated Ca/Mg ratio reflects the potential for parathyroid hormone dominance. This
is also associated with increased insulin levels as well. A low Ca/Mg ratio reflects the potential for low insulin levels and elevated adrenal cortical hormone production.



Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair), Trace Elements

Optimal range:   1.6 - 3.6 Ratio

The ratio of Ca/P in hair refers to the ratio of calcium (Ca) to phosphorus (P) concentrations in a sample of hair. Calcium and phosphorus are both essential minerals in the human body, and they play various roles in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and other bodily functions.

Hair mineral analysis, including the measurement of Ca/P ratio, is sometimes used as a diagnostic tool in alternative or complementary medicine practices. Proponents of hair mineral analysis claim that imbalances in mineral ratios can provide insights into a person's nutritional status, metabolic function, and potential health issues. However, it's important to note that the scientific validity and reliability of hair mineral analysis for diagnostic purposes are still debated within the medical and scientific communities.

Traditional medical diagnostic practices generally rely on more established methods, such as blood tests and clinical assessments, to determine mineral imbalances and other health-related issues. If you have concerns about your mineral levels or overall health, it's recommended to consult with a qualified medical professional who can provide evidence-based guidance and appropriate testing.



Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair), Trace Elements

Optimal range:   84 - 300 Ratio

The Ca/Pb ratio in hair refers to the ratio of calcium (Ca) to lead (Pb) concentrations in a hair sample. This ratio can be used as an indicator of potential lead exposure or lead toxicity in an individual. Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can have harmful effects on various body systems, especially the nervous system.


Cabbage, IgG

240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek), US BioTek

Reference range:   Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High


Cabbage, red + green

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 2.5 ELISA Index


Cabbage, red + green, cooked

Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen, Cyrex Laboratories

Optimal range:   0.1 - 2.5 ELISA Index



Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair), Doctor's Data

Optimal range:   0 - 0.05 µg/g

Hair cadmium (Cd) levels provide an indication of mild to moderate exposure to the nephrotoxic metal. Very high exposure and assimilation of Cd destroys the hair follicle. Cd is a toxic heavy metal that has no metabolic function in the body. Moderately high Cd exposure may be associated with hypertension, while very severe Cd toxicity may cause hypotension. Cd adversely affects the kidneys, lungs, testes, arterial walls, and bones and interferes with many enzymatic reactions. Chronic Cd excess can lead to microcytic, hypochromic anemia and proteinuria with excretion of beta-2-microglobin, and functional zinc deficiency. Cd excess is also commonly associated with fatigue, hypertension, kidney disease, weight loss, osteomalacia, and lumbar pain.



Toxic Metals (Urine), Doctor's Data

Optimal range:   0 - 0.9 µg/g creatinine

Urinary cadmium (Cd) provides an indication of recent or ongoing exposure to the toxic metal, and endogenous detoxification to a lesser extent. Most of absorbed Cd is retained in the liver and kidneys for many years. A small portion of assimilated Cd body leaves slowly in urine and bile/feces. Absorption, systemic transport and cellular uptake of Cd are mediated by metal transporters that the body uses for the essential elements iron, zinc and calcium.



Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood)

Optimal range:   0 - 4 ug/L



Heavy Metals, Vibrant America

Optimal range:   0 - 1.5 ug/g



Total Tox-Burden, Vibrant Wellness

Optimal range:   0 - 0.29 ug/g


Found in food such as shellfish, leafy vegetables, rice, cereals, cocoa butter, dried seaweed, and legumes. Also present in nickel cadmium batteries, cigarette smoke (including second-hand smoke), insecticides, fertilizer, motor oil, emissions and exhaust. Drinking water, air, and occupational exposures are also seen.


Iron deficiency is associated with higher cadmium burden and absorption of cadmium may increase during very early stages of iron deficiency. Zinc deficiency is associated with an increase in Cadmium, as a result of the antagonistic relationship between the elements.

Dietary cadmium inhibits GI absorption of calcium and interferes with calcium and vitamin D metabolism. Low dietary calcium stimulates synthesis of calcium- binding protein which enhances Cadmium absorption.



Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair), Trace Elements

Optimal range:   0 - 0.008 Units



Whole Blood

NutriStat Basic Profile, US BioTek

Optimal range:   0 - 1.1 ug/L


Found in food such as shellfish, leafy vegetables, rice, cereals, cocoa butter, dried seaweed, and legumes. Also present in nickel cadmium batteries, cigarette smoke (including second-hand smoke), insecticides, fertilizer, motor oil, emissions and exhaust. Drinking water, air, and occupational exposures are also seen.


Iron deficiency is associated with higher cadmium burden and absorption of cadmium may increase during very early stages of iron deficiency. Zinc deficiency is associated with an increase in Cadmium, as a result of the antagonistic relationship between the elements.

Dietary cadmium inhibits GI absorption of calcium and interferes with calcium and vitamin D metabolism. Low dietary calcium stimulates synthesis of calcium- binding protein which enhances Cadmium absorption.

Showing results 1801 - 1820 of 6516