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Arachidonic Acid

Quest Diagnostics, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   5.2 - 12.9 %

Arachidonic acid (AA) is a key omega-6 fatty acid measured in the OmegaCheck test offered by Cleveland HeartLab, which assesses cardiovascular risk based on polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) status.


Arachidonic Acid

OmegaCheck, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   8.6 - 15.6 % by wt

Arachidonic acid is an inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid. Our bodies produce this nutrient, and its excess may lead to inflammatory diseases and mood disorders.


Arachidonic acid (AA)

VibrantAmerica (various), Vibrant America

Optimal range:   5.5 - 19.01 %

Arachidonic acid (AA) is a 20-carbon polyunsaturated n-6 fatty acid with 4 double bonds (20:4n6). Its double bonds contribute to cell membrane fluidity and predispose it to oxygenation. This can lead to several important metabolites which ensure a properly functioning immune system as well as regulate inflammation, brain activity, and other signaling cascades. AA’s metabolites are called eicosanoids which are signaling molecules.


Arachidonic Acid (AA)

Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma)

Optimal range:   0 - 250 qg/mL

Arachidonic acid is an inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid. Our bodies produce this nutrient, and its excess may lead to inflammatory diseases and mood disorders.


Arachidonic Acid/EPA Ratio

OmegaCheck, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   3.7 - 40.7 Ratio

This test measures the ratio of arachidonic acid (AA) to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in plasma. This ratio of the principle omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is a measure of the body’s eicosanoid balance. Balancing these eicosanoids in the body is an excellent way
for managing heart disease and other chronic and inflammatory processes.



Amino Acid Analysis, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   43 - 107 umol/L

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment.



Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine), LabCorp

Optimal range:   5 - 69.6 umol/g Cr

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment. It has many functions in the body including:

- ammonia disposal in the urea cycle

- immune function

- stimulation of insulin release

- muscle metabolism (creatine/creatinine precursor)

- nitric oxide (NO) formation

- glutamic acid and proline formation

- glucose/glycogen conversion

- stimulation of the release of growth hormone, vasopressin, and prolactin

- wound healing

Because arginine is a precursor for nitric oxide synthesis, it is often used therapeutically in cardiovascular disease for its vasodilatory effects.



3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   4.1 - 17.5 qmol/dL

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment.




Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Quest Diagnostics

Optimal range:   0 - 6 mmol/mol creatinine

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment. It has many functions in the body including:

- ammonia disposal in the urea cycle

- immune function

- stimulation of insulin release

- muscle metabolism (creatine/creatinine precursor)

- nitric oxide (NO) formation

- glutamic acid and proline formation

- glucose/glycogen conversion

- stimulation of the release of growth hormone, vasopressin, and prolactin

- wound healing

Because arginine is a precursor for nitric oxide synthesis, it is often used therapeutically in cardiovascular disease for its vasodilatory effects.



OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions, Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory

Optimal range:   0 - 26.4 nmol/mg Creatinine

→ Arginine is a precursor of urea, nitric oxide, polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine and agmatine), proline, glutamate, and creatine.

→ Levels may drop with increased need, or in renal or small intestine dysfunction.

→ Synthesis of arginine depends on citrulline levels and is less regulated by dietary arginine. Supplementation with citrulline increases plasma arginine and the production of nitric oxide (NO).

→ Arginine supplementation may lower blood pressure.

→ Metabolism of elevated arginine levels is dependent on glycine availability.

→ Plasma arginine and ornithine increased, while citrulline remained stable, following watermelon juice intake, a rich source of citrulline.




Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data), Doctor's Data

Optimal range:   10 - 70 qmol/24 hours




NutriStat Basic Profile, US BioTek

Optimal range:   1.9 - 55.3 umol/L

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment.



Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data], Doctor's Data

Optimal range:   6 - 45 qM/g creatinine



Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma), LabCorp

Optimal range:   36.3 - 119.2 umol/L

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is critical for your cardiovascular health and detoxification functions. The amino acid, arginine, is used to make the powerful blood vessel regulator, nitric oxide. Nitric oxide acts to lower blood pressure.



NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   4.1 - 17.5 Units

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment. It has many functions in the body including:

- ammonia disposal in the urea cycle

- immune function

- stimulation of insulin release

- muscle metabolism (creatine/creatinine precursor)

- nitric oxide (NO) formation

- glutamic acid and proline formation

- glucose/glycogen conversion

- stimulation of the release of growth hormone, vasopressin, and prolactin

- wound healing

Because arginine is a precursor for nitric oxide synthesis, it is often used therapeutically in cardiovascular disease for its vasodilatory effects.



Metabolimix+, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   3 - 43 micromol/g creatinine

Arginine is found in all protein foods and is very abundant in seeds and nuts. It is considered a semi-essential amino acid during early development, infection/inflammation, or renal and/or intestinal impairment.


Arginine (Plasma)

OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions, Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory

Optimal range:   36.9 - 112.2 nmol/ML


Arginine (Plasma)

Amino Acids 40 Profile, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   29 - 137 µmol/L , 2.90 - 13.70 µmol/dL

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is critical for your cardiovascular health and detoxification functions. The amino acid, arginine, is used to make the powerful blood vessel regulator, nitric oxide. Nitric oxide acts to lower blood pressure.


Arginine (Serum)


Micronutrient (Vibrant America), Vibrant America

Optimal range:   81.6 - 249 nmol/ML

Physiological Function:

L-Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid found in the diet. It is a dietary supplement used mostly by athletes because it is the amino acid that directly produces nitric oxide via the nitric oxide synthase enzymes.

Arginine helps heal injuries, aids kidneys in removing waste, and boosts immune system function.


Arginine (Urine)

Amino Acids Analysis, Genova Diagnostics

Optimal range:   3 - 43 micromol/g creatinine

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is critical for your cardiovascular health and detoxification functions. The amino acid, arginine, is used to make the powerful blood vessel regulator, nitric oxide. Nitric oxide acts to lower blood pressure.

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